We credit Mac B for noticing this lack of exposure for the women ocean athletes. If you don’t see the reflection of yourself on the water, the possibility of trying the sport is too-easily lost. The goal: Showcase the community, stoke, and empowerment that kiteboarding entails while sharing the local Charleston Charm.
Doubt is very prevalent for women and girls in this male-dominated sport. Us kiteboarding women have been approached by many women and young girls; “Isn’t that hard?” “I don’t think I would be strong enough.” “It looks too intimidating.”
While the frost settled back home, Jordan and Zach’s closest friends and family came together on the warm, sunlit beaches of Atelier Playa Mujeres to celebrate a love that knows no bounds.
Their story, filled with trust and lots of miles, reminds us all of the beauty in meeting each other halfway – or wherever love leads.
I’ll Meet You There’ is just the beginning of their forever.
But first, we have to believe in ourselves.
A brief, really brief, timeline.
A marketing internship for a construction company awakened a skill in me.
It didn’t long for me to realize, I want to do more than just fly drones. I want to be a filmmaker. But first I need to know how to use a camera.
Trusting a gut instinct to go headfirst. My 2 priorities became, understand everything I can about video, and learn how to kiteboard.
I carry home with me wherever I go. I chase the wind and a passion…